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The stories of unlocking their full potentials.

LAM Tsz San, Jeffrey

Course joined: 
All You Need To Know About G5

“I found these tutorial lessons very useful because it helped me a lot to write this personal statement and Anthony has explained really well so that I understand how to start a personal statement.”


Current Year:  Year 12

Current School: Glenalmond School (@ Scotland UK)

Before Joining The Course

He was not sure what he needed to prepare and even which pathway suits him the best. Also, due to the Covid-19 situation lately, he was back in HK for an online summer term since Feb, and he could not reach his current teacher in UK at Glenalmond College directly, also the UCAS preparation class by Glenalmond was postponed till September, he was quite lost during our chat. 

After The Course

Jeffrey has now come up with a very in-depth analysis of his experiences after having the preparation lesson with Mr Anthony Li and how they relate to his future degrees. By narrowing down to the course structure level, Jeffrey could well-relate his strengths to the relevant aspects of the course to show his breadth and depth in geography, PE and biology.  


In the recent lesson, Jeffrey knows how to do research throughout the week on the impact of COVID-19 and the situation of Hong Kong on the industries of hospitality in general.  Mr Anthony Li has dug deeply into critical arguments that are both contemporary and relate to the societal situation.  

Jeffrey has now come up with a very in-depth analysis of his experiences after having the preparation lesson with Mr Anthony Li and how they relate to his future degrees.

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